Office of Emergency Management


The Monroe Township Office of Emergency Management is committed to being prepared for a response to any type of incident. Our Emergency Management Team is a core of highly educated professionals from all phases of Emergency Services and Township entities. The Monroe Township Police, Fire, First Aid and Administrative Services stand ready to respond.

The Monroe Township Office of Emergency Management is responsible for maintaining an Emergency Operations Plan. This plan is a complex accumulation of Township Policies, State and Federal Emergency Management Directives as well as information pertaining to resources that our local Emergency Management has at hand. The Monroe Township Office of Emergency Management continues to work with and can rely on assistance from all available resources such as; Middlesex County, the State of New Jersey and the Federal Government (FEMA).

Monroe Township, working together with the County of Middlesex, has developed a voluntary Special Needs Registry. The information contained in this form will be kept on file with the Monroe Township Police Department, and the Middlesex County Office of Emergency Management. Should there be an emergency situation in Monroe, this information will be accessed and the necessary steps taken to help accommodate those individuals with disabilities. If interested, please click here to complete the form.