Chief Griffin M. Banos

Chief’s Message

Dear Residents,

On behalf of the Monroe Township Police Department, it brings me great pleasure to extend a heartfelt welcome to our official website—a virtual gateway into our commitment to fostering a safe and secure community.

Our website stands as a testament to our dedication to transparency, accessibility, and service. Within these digital corridors, you’ll discover a wealth of information designed to not only inform but also engage and empower you, the valued members of our community.


From the latest updates on local law enforcement initiatives to crucial safety tips and resources, we’ve curated a comprehensive repository of knowledge to aid in safeguarding our neighborhoods. Explore our diverse sections, which showcase the tireless efforts of our officers, the services we offer, and the numerous ways we strive to collaborate with you for a safer tomorrow.


We understand the significance of a collaborative relationship between law enforcement and the community. Your involvement, support, and feedback are pivotal in guiding our efforts to better serve you. Together, we can continue to strengthen the bonds that fortify our community’s safety and well-being.


I encourage you to navigate through our website and follow us on social media. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions, suggestions, or concerns. Your active participation is vital as we work hand in hand towards a brighter, safer future.


Thank you for entrusting us with the responsibility of ensuring the safety and security of Monroe Township. We are honored to serve you.


With sincere regards,


Griffin M. Banos

Chief of Police